dinsdag 18 maart 2008

Nieuws uit Kenia

We kregen deze week een e-mail uit Kenia ...
Lees even mee ...
Actually the issue about riots as aired by international media was done in such a way that it portrayed Kenya to be burning all over but the truth of the matter actually was that not all parts of Kenya were affected. In fact Es'songólo was more than just fine and there was no single incident of violence reported there. For Kisumu, yes there were riots initially just after the elections but I can assure you that after the signing of the peace agreement mediated by former UN boss, calm has returned, and not only in Kisumu, but in most parts of the country. Otherwise as I told you earlier, we are very much fine and I'm very glad to here that you will be visiting us again especially with some Engineers in the making. It will be marvellous to learn from them.

Dus zoals je zelf kan lezen is het er niet meer gevaarlijk. Dit gezegd door een Keniaan zelf en niet door een of andere overheid of media.
Voor ons kan het nu niet meer stuk, we kunnen deze zomer vertrekken.
Onze fuif gaat nog altijd door... en iedereen is welkom!

Geen opmerkingen: